5 8 Plus 1 2
Fraction computer
This calculator adds two fractions. When fractions have different denominators, firstly catechumen all fractions to common denominator. Find Least Mutual Denominator (LCD) or simple multiply all denominators to discover common denominator. When all denominators are same, simply add together the numerators and place the consequence over the common denominator. And so simplify the result to the everyman terms or a mixed number.
The issue:
five/8 + 1/2 = nine / viii = 1 1 / eight = 1.125
Spelled result in words is ix eighths (or one and ane eighth).
How do we solve fractions pace by step?
- Add: 5 / 8 + 1 / 2 = 5 / viii + 1 · 4 / 2 · 4 = 5 / eight + 4 / 8 = 5 + 4 / 8 = 9 / 8
It is suitable to accommodate both fractions to a common (equal, identical) denominator for adding, subtracting, and comparison fractions. The common denominator you can calculate as the least mutual multiple of both denominators - LCM(8, 2) = eight. In practice, information technology is plenty to find the common denominator (not necessarily the lowest) by multiplying the denominators: eight × ii = sixteen. In the following intermediate footstep, it cannot further simplify the fraction result by canceling.
In other words - five eighths plus one half is ix eighths.
Rules for expressions with fractions:
Fractions - use a forward slash to divide the numerator by the denominator, i.e., for five-hundredths, enter v/100. If you use mixed numbers, exit a space between the whole and fraction parts.
Mixed numerals (mixed numbers or fractions) keep ane space between the integer and
fraction and utilise a forward slash to input fractions i.eastward., i 2/3 . An example of a negative mixed fraction: -5 1/two.
Because slash is both signs for fraction line and division, utilise a colon (:) as the operator of division fractions i.e., 1/two : 1/3.
Decimals (decimal numbers) enter with a decimal bespeak . and they are automatically converted to fractions - i.east. ane.45.
Math Symbols
Symbol | Symbol proper noun | Symbol Meaning | Example |
+ | plus sign | addition | one/2 + one/3 |
- | minus sign | subtraction | 1 1/2 - two/3 |
* | asterisk | multiplication | two/three * 3/four |
× | times sign | multiplication | 2/3 × five/vi |
: | division sign | division | i/2 : three |
/ | division slash | division | ane/iii / five |
: | colon | complex fraction | one/2 : ane/three |
^ | caret | exponentiation / ability | 1/4^3 |
() | parentheses | summate expression within first | -3/5 - (-1/4) |
The reckoner follows well-known rules for the lodge of operations. The most common mnemonics for remembering this order of operations are:
PEMDAS - Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Add-on, Subtraction.
BEDMAS - Brackets, Exponents, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction
BODMAS - Brackets, Of or Order, Sectionalization, Multiplication, Improver, Subtraction.
GEMDAS - Group Symbols - brackets (){}, Exponents, Multiplication, Segmentation, Add-on, Subtraction.
MDAS - Multiplication and Division have the same precedence over Addition and Subtraction. The MDAS rule is the society of operations function of the PEMDAS rule.
Be careful; e'er practise multiplication and division before addition and subtraction. Some operators (+ and -) and (* and /) accept the same priority and must evaluate from left to right.
Fractions in word problems:
- Someone
Someone ate i/10 of a block, leaving only nine/x. If you lot swallow 2/3 of the block left, how much of a whole cake will you have eaten?
- 1 Saturday
1 Saturday evening in that location are 40 girls, 25 boys, 18 women and 17 men at a cinema. What fraction are girls?
- Babies
2 adults, 2 children, and iv babies are on a jitney. What fraction of the people are babies?
- Value of Z
For ten = -ix, what is the value of Z, where Z equals fraction numerator 10 minus 17 over denominator 6.five terminate fraction Give your answer to 2 decimal places.
- Max has 2
Max has thirteen pairs of socks. From this, six pairs are blue, iii pairs are brown, ii are black, and two are white. What fraction of Max's socks are either chocolate-brown or blackness?
- A class 4.A
In a class, there are 15 girls and 30 boys. What fraction of the grade represents the boys?
- Marry
Marry had ane 1/two dozen eggs in the refrigerator. She used 1/3 of the eggs. What part of the eggs was used?
- Fruit basket
If there are vii apples and five oranges in the basket, what fraction of oranges are in the fruit basket?
- In the cafeteria
There are xviii students in Jacob'southward homeroom. Six students bring their lunch to schoolhouse. The rest eat lunch in the cafeteria. In the simplest form, what fraction of students eat lunch in the cafeteria?
- A company
A visitor has 860 employees, of which 500 are female. Write a fraction to represent the female employees in the visitor.
- Fraction to decimal
Write the fraction 3/22 equally a decimal.
more math problems »
5 8 Plus 1 2,
Source: https://www.hackmath.net/en/calculator/fraction?input=5%2F8%2B1%2F2
Posted by: torresposelver.blogspot.com
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